Cellulose Insulation Is Good For Your Energy Bill and The Nation

Cellulose Insulation Is Good For Your Energy Bill and The Nation

The cellulose insulation we use at Eco Insulation is engineered to have a much higher efficiency than traditional insulation products. While all residential homes and commercial buildings need some form of insulation, our cellulose insulation provides a much better protection against heat transfer through the walls.

By installing cellulose insulation in your home or commercial building you are accomplishing two things. First, you are creating a much more stable interior climate for your occupants, resulting in a less active HVAC unit. This in turn saves your money. Secondly, you are helping the nation and its need for natural resources.

Good for Your Energy Bill

Let’s start with keeping your wallet full. Energy bills are not fun to pay. There is usually a quizzical look that accompanies the reading of an energy bill. “We used how much electricity?” and “How did we use that much gas?” are probably common questions in a household or business. Heating and cooling makes up the largest portion of energy consumption in residences.

Even if you are stringent when it comes to powering up the HVAC unit, you still might see an energy bill you are not quite pleased with. A big reason for that is poor insulation. If you raise the temperature in your residence to a comfortable 75 degrees but your insulation allows for 30% of exterior heat to get, your AC unit is going to be running quite a bit to keep it at that 75 degrees.

Cellulose insulation prevents that majority of this heat exchange meaning your AC unit doesn’t have to do as much work to keep the temperature at a steady level. In fact, cellulose insulation can potentially reduce heating and cooling bills by over 30 percent.

Good for the Nation

So now that you’re already intrigued with the thought of saving money, it can also be a nice incentive to know that you are helping out our nation’s environment and energy consumption.

40% of energy consumption in the U.S. is attributed to residential and commercial building. This accounts for 39 quadrillion British thermal units (BTU’s). Changing our consumption patterns is a great start, such as not running HVAC while no one occupies the space. However, an even more effective measure to reduce our nation’s energy consumption is to build more efficiently. That means using things like cellulose insulation and high-efficiency appliances. According to the NRDC, building more efficient structures has the potential to save 234 trillion cubic feet of natural gas over the next 50 years.  

For more information, contact Eco Insulation online for a quote, or call us at 563-223-8681.