You Should Be “Summerizing” Your Home

You Should Be “Summerizing” Your Home

Every residential homeowner is, to some degree, aware of the need to winterize their home. Homeowners also understand the need for Spring cleaning each year. However, most homeowners fail to recognize the importance of “summerizing” their homes. While we can’t blame homeowners for wanting to enjoy the outdoors rather than worrying about that state their home is in, summerizing your home can have some very positive effects.

The following guidelines are some important areas that homeowners can take care of just before the summer season hits. Get these following tasks done in late April or early May and reap the rewards of a cool summer.

A/C Tune Up

First and foremost, get your air conditioning unit serviced. Find yourself a reputable HVAC company to tune up your air conditioning unit. You want to do this before the temperatures heat up too much, otherwise you might find yourself with a faulty A/C unit during the dog days of summer.

HVAC professionals will check for damages and leaks, along with checking the overall efficiency of your unit. A pro tip is to set up a routine service plan with your HVAC company. This way, you don’t have to add it to your to do list since it will be a regularly recurring event.

Sunscreens for Windows

Another great tip to prepare your home for the summer is to install sunscreens on your windows. Why wouldn’t you want all of that glorious sunlight beaming into your home? Well, for one it vastly increases the temperature inside of your home meaning that it makes it much more difficult for you A/C to cool it. Sunscreens can block up to 90% of UV rays. This means that your house will be naturally cooler, thereby decreasing your overall energy bills.

Insulate Your Home

Shocked to see insulation as one of the “summerizing” tips? Your confusion is understandable. Most homeowners solely associate insulation with warmth and keeping the cold air out. However, it also keeps the cold air in.

Having proper insulation throughout your home can help reduce the loss of cool air that your A/C unit has just pumped through your home. Improper insulation or insulation that has areas for heat exchange will allow external heat transfer inside of your home, causing your A/C unit to work harder and longer. This creates a bigger energy bill for you.

Change Air Filters

Finally, you should also change the air filters in your home. In fact, you should be doing this on a regular basis anyways. The cleaning or changing of these air filters is important because as time passes, a large amount of buildup will accrue on the filters. The more buildup present, the harder it is for air to actually pass through the filter. Again, this means that your HVAC system is working much harder to create a temperature that you have set.

For more information contact Eco Insulation QC online or call us at 1-563-223-8681.