Lower Your Utility Bill With These Easy Tips

Lower Your Utility Bill With These 3 Easy Tips

One of the most frustrating costs is your utility bill. It can rise and lower at seemingly unpredictable rates. Luckily there are a number of foolproof ways to at least guarantee you are taking the proper measures to reduce your utility bill as much as possible. Here, we’ll discuss three of the ways to lower your utility bill.

The Nightly Sweep

One of the easiest ways to lower your utility bills, and not spend an extra dime in the process, is to do a nightly sweep of all electronics. It is pretty easy to forget that you left on a light or some other electrical appliance right before bed. Unfortunately, you are throwing money away at a rapid rate.

Just before you get yourself tucked into bed, do a sweep of your home going room to room, checking electronics. Turn off things you can easily forget about such as the TV and cable box. Turn off fans that are in use in rooms you won’t be in.

If watching the TV helps you fall asleep while in bed, set the TV timer. Most TV’s are equipped with a timer that will automatically shut off the TV after a set duration of idle time as long as you don’t confirm that you are still watching. This way you can fall asleep to your TV without it staying on throughout the night.

Replace Your Insulation

A massive way to help your energy bill is to replace your insulation. The vast majority of heat exchange/loss occurs through the walls and roof of your home. On cold days, this heat can easily escape through the room if your insulation isn’t adequate. So all of that heat you are pumping into your home is going straight out the roof, keeping your heater on for longer durations to raise the temperature of your house.

Our insulation provides some of the best heat transfer prevention around. The blown cellulose insulation gets in and around pipes, wire, and joists giving your home a more complete insulation.

Cool Off with Fans

Finally, for those warm summer days in Illinois and Iowa, try holding off on the air conditioning for as long as possible. Your A/C unit provides some really cool air but at a really high price. Instead, try using a room fan in the room that you are in. It can provide a substitute for a nice breeze and keep air circulating so that it doesn’t become stagnant and muggy.

For more information, contact Eco Insulation online for a quote, or call us at 563-223-8681.

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