How to Determine if Your Insulation is Complete

How to Determine if Your Insulation is Complete

Most people are at least somewhat aware of if their home is insulated. However, the extent of knowledge ends there. If you were asked the question “Is your home fully insulated?”, you might have trouble answering it. Knowing insulation is there is one thing, knowing the coverage of that insulation is another. Luckily, with six easy steps, you can determine if your insulation is complete.

First, head outside to get the checklist started.

Step 1 – Loose Siding

This step particularly applies to older homes. Do a quick but thorough sweep of the exterior of your home to find any loose siding. If you notice any, nail it down tight. Siding is the first wave of protection when it comes to insulation your home. Think of it as the outer windbreaker of a warm winter coat.

Step 2 – Check the Weatherstripping

Your next step should be to check around doors and windows, examining the weatherstripping. This small but important protection can be the cause for a lot of heat loss and drafts in the winter. If you see any old or worn out weatherstripping, replace it. If you notice any drafts of cold air while you are inside by that window, it is a good indicator that the weatherstripping is not functioning.

Step 3 – Ropes, Pulleys, and Weights

This step probably won’t affect the vast majority of homeowners, but if you do have ropes, pulleys, or weights on your windows, you are not fully insulated. Generally speaking, the windows are old and should either be replaced or the areas with the ropes and weights should be filled with solid insulation. These are areas where heat transfer can occur.

Step 4 – Bore a Hole

First, don’t bore a hole in the front of your house right by the front door. Pick a pretty hidden place on an outside wall and bore a hole. It goes without saying, but don’t bore that hole near an electrical outlet. Insulation in outer walls should be at least four inches thick. If you find yourself looking at a thin, one inch thick sheet of insulation, you should look into Eco Insulation blowing some insulation into the outer walls.

Step 5 – Ductwork

Head inside and check the ductwork in your basement or any exposed ductwork you can find. If the ducts feel warm, that means hot air passes through it. These ducts should be insulated. This also applies to hot water pipes.

Step 6 – Check the Attic

The easiest way to determine if your attic/roof is insulated enough is to look for the ceiling joists. If you can see the wood on the top of these joists, there isn’t enough insulation. Attic insulation is typically twelve inches thick.

For more information, contact Eco Insulation online for a quote, or call us at 563-223-8681.