Insulating Your Quad Cities Home: 3 Questions to Ask

Insulating Your Home: 3 Questions to Ask

For homeowners in the Quad Cities area, insulation is an important part of your home’s make-up. After all, you live in the Midwest meaning you have some turbulent winters and some scorching summers. Keeping the temperature inside at a comfortable level is no easy feat.

Prior to having insulation installed in your Quad Cities home, there a handful of questions to ask. Usually people will jump to questions such as the duration of the installation process, costs, etc. However, here are three questions that may not have crossed your mind that are equally important.

What type of insulation should I use?

The reason this question isn’t as common is because most people don’t realize there are different types of insulation. Most people are used to the sheets of fiberglass insulation that installers unroll and install in between the wall studs.

However, there are other options. One of them is ECO Insulation’s cellulose fiber insulation. This type of insulation is sprayed, almost as a foam, into the areas that need insulating. This technique creates a much stronger bond and creates a much more thorough coverage.

How well does this insulation protect against air leakage in hard-to-protect areas such as rim joists, cathedral ceilings, crawlspaces, etc.?

Obviously one of the most important factors of your insulation is its ability to insulate. It sounds like common sense, but it is often assumed that all insulation is created equal. Unfortunately, this is not the case. For example, our cellulose fiber insulation does a much better job of insulating, especially in these hard-to-protect areas. The reason for this is due to its structural make-up and bonding ability.

The cellulose is sprayed into areas, packing itself until the area is filled. So even around things like rim joists, the insulation is packed tight whereas there could be a slight gap if this was covered with sheeted insulation. The cellulose spray can also bond around pipes, again leaving virtually no room for air leakage.

Is this insulation a better option in terms of creating a “green” home?

Consumers and businesses alike are becoming more environmentally conscious. And that’s a good thing. Solar energy, electric vehicles, and energy efficient appliances are becoming more widespread. So to top off your environmental duties, why not get an insulation that is also environmentally conscious.

Cellulose fiber insulation, like the one used at ECO, is made from recycled wood fibers such as newspapers. It’s like using the newspaper you read last week as your insulation. No waste, is good waste. Also, the cellulose fiber insulation has a better R-value than most insulations, meaning that it prevents heat transfer more effectively. This means your air conditioning unit and heating unit aren’t using as much power in order to regulate your home’s indoor temperature. Again, this is saving your utility bill, which in turn helps the environment.

For more information, contact Eco Insulation online for a quote, or call us at 563-223-8681.